It is always a relief to turn on the blinker and turn on to the slow gravel Pumpkin Ridge Drive that means we are home.
Right now, any cars, pick-up and delivery trucks that drive by, go slowly on the unpaved gravel road. No hurry. It is soothing and gentle, like the idea of small town rural life. Even though they drive slow more for themselves to keep their vehicles less dusty, it is really nice for all of us when we're outside and for the saftey of all the animals.
Fancy homes are encroaching down the road though. We have not gone very far past our house yet, but we know they are down there with an expensive golf course... and the people getting to the rural fanciness, want to do so in a fast, clean fashion. Polly and James did their best to fight it, but they were out-voted, it has just gone through and construction workers have already begun widening the road to prepare it.
We're glad we got to experience a bit of the slow times.