Thursday, November 02, 2006


This is our ongoing documentary list, continually in progress and happily open to suggestions. Many of these films are available from Netflix and also in parts on, which is turning out to be an amazing source of getting documentaries out to the public. Frontline has a similar way of watching full report episodes in parts on their website -

Rural Route Films - - we highly recommend seeing this festival if it is anywhere near you and finding the films they screen wherever you can.

Rooftop Films - - they were in our building in Brooklyn, NY and screened on the roof and many other locations. They are a great source for all kinds of very unique films.

We hope you enjoy the list!

  1. A Class Divided - Frontline: teacher Jane Elliot, in small town Iowa 1968, lesson on discrimination - brown eyes vs. blue eyes
  2. Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer - Nick Broomfield, an amazing after story to the real woman 'Monster' is based on
  3. American Job - Randy Russel + Chris Smith (docu-drama... made by good friends of ours, Randy is a great writer, actor + artist)
  4. American Movie - Sarah Price + Chris Smith (Sarah is another very talented friend we are big fans of, she has more films below and coming out)
  5. An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore
  6. The Big One - Michael Moore
  7. Born Into Brothels
  8. Bowling for Columbine - Michael Moore
  9. Bush's Brain - about Karl Rove
  10. Butterfly - about Julia Butterfly Hill
  11. Caesar's Park - by Sarah Price
  12. Control Room - about Al Jazeera News - extremely unsettling and very thought provoking!
  13. The Corporation - a must see film !
  14. The Education of Shelby Knox - young christian girl in Texas, debates sex education with entire town
  15. The End of Suburbia
  16. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
  17. Errol Morris' First Person: The Complete Series - features Temple Grandin
  18. The Eyes of Tammy Faye - surprisingly very touching, Naomi cried...
  19. Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore, we got to see this in a super diverse, packed audience in Brooklyn that was very vocal
  20. 'Grey Gardens
  21. The Ground Truth - Iraq Veterans, watched at a screening
  22. Grizzly Man - Herzog + the tragic footage of Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard
  23. Hell House - wow. please watch this, especially if you haven't heard of Christian Haunted Houses
  24. History of Disbelief - Jonathan Miller
  25. Home Movie - Chris Smith
  26. Horns & Halos - about the Bush biography 'Fortunate Son' -
  27. How's Your News
  28. Kon-Tiki - 1950 raft expedition by Norwegian explorer
  29. Kurt + Courtney - by Nick Broomfield, (who is so good), back story to sad, suspect outcome
  30. Mad Hot Ballroom
  31. The Natural History of the Chicken - PBS, charming
  32. Occupation: Dreamland - Garret Scott, co-director who we had the joy to meet, he has since passed away. the film is excellent!
  33. Okie Noodling - fishing with bare hands in Oklahoma, by Bradley Beesley (also see Summer Camp)
  34. Our Daily Bread - elegantly paced, eery, clean depiction of factory farming and livestock in Europe - very important film
  35. Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times
  36. Reel Paradise - John Pierson accidentally making fun of himself and his family for two hours? set on the island of Fiji...
  37. Rize - dance movement with roots in clowning, break dancing and an alternative to gangs. inspiring.
  38. Roger & Me - Michael Moore
  39. Search for a Safe Cigarette: Nova
  40. Searching for Angela Shelton - sexual abuse
  41. Spellbound
  42. Stevie - by director of Ho0p Dreams
  43. Suffering and Smiling - Femi Kuti, by Dan Ollman (another friend we are a big fan of, this is his first solo documentary)
  44. Summercamp! - by Sarah Price + Brasley Beesley
  45. This is Our Slaughterhouse - Matthew Boerman, 2003 filmmakers family business, which he worked at 11 years from age 10
  46. Truth, War & Consequences - Frontline - similar doc as 'Uncovered: The Whole Truth..' (below) but even better
  47. Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War
  48. The Universe Within: Nova
  49. The Up Series - every 7 years, following kids through adult hood in England
  50. The Virus of Faith - Richard Dawkins
  51. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price - sad and important to watch
  52. The War Room
  53. The Weather Underground - anger over Vietnam and racism, violent protest - Sam Green
  54. When the Levees Broke - about the levee failure during Hurricane Katrina, by Spike Lee + Sam Pollard - very good!
  55. The White Diamond - by Herzog
  56. The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
  57. Word Wars - about Scrabble
  58. Who Killed the Electric Car? - this will make you mad, in a good way, but mad at our government
  59. The Yes Men - by Sarah Price, Chris Smith and Dan Ollman

  1. Amandla! A Revolution in Four Part Harmony - apartheid, South Africa
  2. American Dream - Hormel strike, air traffic controller's union
  3. The Agronomist - Haiti human rights activist Jean Dominique
  4. Biggie & Tupac
  5. Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary
  6. Born Rich
  7. The Brandon Teena Story
  8. The Bridge - San Francisco
  9. Brooklyn Bridge: Ken Burns' America
  10. Bukowski: Born Into This
  11. Burden of Dreams - doc about Herzog
  12. Bus 174 - brazil hijacking
  13. Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
  14. Bush Family Values - we've heard to watch this first, followed by 'The Party's Over'
  15. Children Underground
  16. Chisholm '72: Unbought and Unbossed - Shirley's run for president
  17. Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy: (3-Disc Series)
  18. Cowboy del Amor - Cupid
  19. The Creek Runs Red - hazardous environmental pollution plaguing Picher, OK, by Bradley Beesley (Okie + Summer Camp)
  20. The Cult of the Suicide Bomber
  21. Dark Days - NY underground rail tunnel people
  22. Deadline - death row
  23. Death in Gaza
  24. The Devil and Daniel Johnston
  25. The Dream of Sparrows: Iraq Eye Group: Vol. 1, 2005
  26. e-Dreams - Dot com frenzy
  27. Elegy: The Life and Work of Breece D'J Pancake - about the author, we'd love to see this, 2003, 10 min, Jason Freeman
  28. Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero: Frontline
  29. The Farmer's Wife: 2 discs
  30. Farmingville: POV
  31. Fata Morgana - Herzog, Sahara Desert
  32. The Fearless Freaks - about the Flaming Lips, by Bradley Beesley
  33. Fire Wars: Nova
  34. Florilegium: The Flowering of the Pacific
  35. 4 Little Girls - Spike Lee
  36. Full Frame: Documentary Shorts: Vol. 1 - 3
  37. Gates of Heaven - pets, Errol Morris
  38. Ghosts of Rwanda: Frontline
  39. Gitmo: The New Rules of War - Guantanamo
  40. Great Ecstasy of the Sculptor Steiner... - Herzog, three docs
  41. Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst
  42. Gunner's Palace - Iraq soldier film made at same time as 'Occupation Dreamland' not sure how we haven't seen this yet..
  43. Harlan County, U.S.A. - coal miner's strike
  44. Heir to an Execution - rosenberg, communism
  45. Home of the Brave - Viola Liuzzo, civil rights activist murdered
  46. How to Draw a Bunny
  47. Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral
  48. Hurricane!: Nova
  49. Incident at Oglala - FBI + Native American
  50. Is Wal-Mart Good for America?: Frontline
  51. Jesus Camp - featuring Ted Haggard in prime condition... we've seen clips on youtube
  52. The Jesus Factor: Frontline - on George W. Bust and Christianity
  53. Jupiter's Wife - NY homeless woman
  54. Kinsey: American Experience - PBS
  55. Land of Silence and Darkness - Herzog, blind, deaf woman
  56. Lessons of Darkness
  57. The Meaning of Food
  58. The Merchants of Cool: Frontline
  59. Mr. Death: Fred A. Leuchter Jr.
  60. Nanook of the North
  61. New York: Episodes 1 - 8
  62. Newton's Dark Secrets: Nova
  63. Noam Chomsky: Distorted Morality
  64. Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause
  65. Paragraph 175 - Nazi homosexual 'eradication'
  66. The Party's Over - we've heard to watch this right after watching 'Bush Family Values'
  67. The Persuaders: Frontline - Advertising
  68. Protocols of Zion - people who believe Jews responsible for Trade Center
  69. The Road to Guantanamo
  70. Rivers and Tides
  71. Searching for Debra Winger - actresses over 40
  72. The Secret Life of the Brain: Disc 1 - 3
  73. The Shape of the Future - Israel, Palestine
  74. Sicko - Michael Moore, release 2007, health care
  75. Slacker, Slacker - Michael Moore
  76. Slasher - Auto Sales
  77. Sound and Fury - deaf children and cochlear implants
  78. Southern Comfort - transsexual ovarian cancer
  79. The Story of the Weeping Camel - Mongolian Camel Mama
  80. Style Wars - PBS, NYC graffiti
  81. 30 Days
  82. THIN
  83. Triumph of the Nerds - Silicon Valley
  84. Triumph of the Will - Hitler propaganda 1934
  85. The True Meaning of Pictures - Appalachia
  86. Tupperware!: American Experience
  87. Tying the Knot
  88. Typhoid Mary
  89. Unconstitutional - Patriotic Act
  90. Unprecedented
  91. Unzipped - Fashion
  92. The U.S. vs. John Lennon
  93. V-Day: Until the Violence Stops
  94. Voices of Iraq
  95. Waco: The Rules of Engagement
  96. Wheel of Time - Herzog, buddhist pilgrimmage
  97. When We Were Kings
  98. Why We Fight - war doc, filmed during Iraq
  99. Wisconsin Death Trip
  100. With God On Our Side - relationships of Evangelicals and Republicans from 1960's Nixon and Billy Graham throught to GWB's buddies
  101. WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception
  102. The Work of Director Michel Gondry