Hi all,
In case you haven't read this at our old site, here's the story of our name...
We were originally excited to be REBEL FARM after we watched this awesome short animated film Grocery STORE WARS. It is hilarious and inspiring and we do believe in rebelling against the commercial-monoculture-factory farms that produce nearly all the food our country consumes.
But! Alas, as yankees who grew up in the midwest and otherwise occupied very liberal cities, we didn't understand that to many people, "Rebel" = "Confederate"
For example, calling ourselves 'The War Mongering Elephant Farm' might initially give people certain first impressions we're not aiming for...
With that thought in mind, we went back to a name we wanted to call ourselves last spring when we were possibly going to try something in France: 'Les Deux Anes' which means The Two Donkeys.
As we are, indeed, flamingly liberal and fond of donkeys. And since we're in the states we're going english and we've designed a neat '2' for the number.
It may be a long time before we are lucky enough to have an actual donkey as part of our family. We are your donkeys. Donkeys that farm. Very friendly, hard working ones, who work in a two person herd. We are excited to draw up our emblem and make drawings for tea packages and other products we'll be crafting this winter from our dried herbs and other produce. You will like : )
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