Friday, January 26, 2007

Isfaxa Farm : Icelandic Sheep & Horses

We got to visit Bonnie and Peder's Isfaxa Farm
They are in Woodland, WA and all animals Icelandic; sheep, horses, dogs and someday chickens. They know all of their herd by name and they have a BIG herd, all very friendly animals.

This is a photo of Floja happy in the snow and to the right is their horse Baldur with a goat and I am not sure that the high level of cuteness on this inter species mingling is legal...

I am a born vegetarian, but Bonnie and Peder have a waiting list for their lamb meat - so it is apparently very desirable, contact them if you are interested. Bonnie also sells beautiful fleece and wool, which I would like to get into in the future when we are able to have livestock. They do not milk their sheep, but Neil is especially interested in doing that and crafting cheeses and yogurts.

We hope to visit them again during lambing in mid March!