Friday, June 15, 2007

Biggie in early June: Ermosa, Red Sails, Mustard, Papalo, Spinach...

Here are some photos from this past weekend, before we harvested Monday morning:

Red Sails Lettuce and Olympia Spinach, you can see the drop off in size at a distinct spot. That is not a planned succession... That is what we are now nick-naming the "Mystery Fertility Succession"

The land curves in many ways and this must be a bit of a natural swale where the topsoil has been washed away, more than other areas. It is like a pool though, sharp, steep drop off.

This is Red Giant Mustard, beautiful and very spicy.

Green Butterhead Ermosa Lettuce heads, these are really pretty and taste delicious. Neil would like to keep them whole as they are and dress them with sald toppings, that you could then slice into to eat.

Our field is growing! Neil pounds t-posts for the tomatoes. If you can see the the butter lids, they are coated in tanglefoot to capture errant flea beetles in lieu of them dining on our broccoli.

The Papalo plants have a unique citrus enhanced cilantro style taste in a succukent leaf. These could grow to 6' tall, right now they are small, growing slow and steady.

Genovese Basil in the foreground, followed by Red Rubin and then Sweet Basil in the back. Tiny Thai Basil are riding out the cool weather with some distrust. We're sorry guys, we hope it heats up for you soon.

And a Brandywine Tomato, pruned and planted deeeep and soon to begin above ground pruning, to train for the trellis.
Mmm.. tomatoes and basil...