Thursday, December 07, 2006

To Neil's home town paper: The Muscatine Journal

(written and published in December 2006 - this provoked a lot of online and family debate)

We tried leaning on Iraq pretty hard.

We went over there with enthusiastic young people and vague
marching orders, but with no knowledge of the culture and no
grasp of the language.

The phrase "know your enemy" should apply in 2 ways.
One: to know the customs and motives.
Two: to actually know who it is you are fighting.

Sadly, we seemed ignorant in both areas.

This is of course assuming that it was even noble to enter Iraq
in the first place. A small smattering of paid-off buffoons in the
Bush gang got us deep into this mess. Now, as Keith Olbermann
of MSNBC asserts, they should finally "pull over to ask for directions".
Annoyingly it seems consulting the Iraq Study Group was just a
surface fake. This gang of completely inept chickenhawks will
likely continue its assault on sound reason.

Is it that after 5 years of tragic bumbles in every area they suddenly
took genius pills or received an ethical morality injection and will
decide to listen to the Iraq Study Group ? These Study Group fellas
barely fall outside Bush's small insular circle anyway.
Not likely we'll see any profound change.
I expect more hiding, lies, and evasive no-content answers from
all the Oil Warriors in that short list of first string failures we elected.

Unlike the Iraqis under Saddam WE actually have the tools to remove
this despotic Corporo-Government of ours. The NeoCon and Halliburton
cartel built a decent little 8 year empire with nepotism and Daddy's
name. But all it may take is a little more blowback to get the ball
rolling back in the right direction.

It seems it already is.

by Neil Whitacre